Collection: Slipper Socks

Slipper Socks FAQs

What Are Slipper Socks Used For?

Slipper socks are designed primarily for comfort and warmth within the home. They combine the snug fit and softness of socks with the added warmth and protective soles of slippers. Here’s what they’re typically used for:

  • Warmth slipper socks: They keep your feet warm during colder months, providing insulation against cold floors.
  • Non slip slipper socks: Equipped with non-slip grips on the soles, slipper socks reduce the risk of slipping on smooth surfaces like tile or hardwood floors.
  • Hygiene and Protection: They protect your feet from dirt and germs, especially if you prefer not to wear shoes indoors.
  • Comfort: Offering a more relaxed fit than traditional slippers, slipper socks are ideal for lounging or working from home.

Do You Wear Socks Under Slipper Socks?

Typically, you don't need to wear regular socks under slipper socks. Warm slipper socks are designed to be worn directly on the feet to provide warmth, comfort, and traction with their non-slip soles. 

They are usually made from thick, cozy materials that keep your feet warm without the need for additional layers. However, personal preference and specific circumstances, like extremely cold weather, might lead some individuals to wear a thin pair of socks underneath for extra warmth. But for general use, slipper socks are intended to be worn without any socks underneath.

Slipper socks, crafted from warm and plush materials like acrylic fibers, coral fleece, and lamb's wool, are designed to keep your feet cozy without the need for additional layers. These comfortable foot coverings, available as men's slipper socks and women's slipper socks, cater to the distinct needs and preferences of each gender.

However, personal preferences and different circumstances for men and women. Men generally have a higher body temperature than women, and women's feet are more likely to be cold, which may lead to women wearing a pair of thin socks underneath for extra warmth. In general, however, slipper socks are worn without any socks.

How Do Non Slip Slipper Socks Prevent Falls?

Non-slip slipper socks prevent falls by incorporating grips or treads on the soles, typically made of rubber, silicone, or other slip-resistant materials. These grips provide traction against smooth surfaces like hardwood floors, tiles, or hospital floors, reducing the likelihood of slipping. 

The design of these grips varies from one pair of socks to another but generally includes patterns like dots, stars, or stripes, which increase friction between the sock and the floor. This added friction helps to stabilize your steps, making it safer to walk around, especially in areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms or kitchens. By improving foot grip, non-slip slipper socks significantly reduce the risk of falls, particularly for the elderly, those with mobility issues, or anyone walking on slippery surfaces.

Are Slipper Socks Suitable for Outdoor Use?

No, slipper socks are primarily designed for indoor use. They are made from soft, cozy materials and often feature non-slip soles that are intended to provide grip on indoor flooring such as tile, wood, or laminate. The soles of slipper socks are usually not durable or thick enough to protect your feet from rough outdoor surfaces like concrete, gravel, or dirt. Moreover, wearing them outside can wear out the non-slip treads more quickly and may expose your feet to moisture and dirt.

Can Slipper Socks Be Washed?

Yes, slipper socks can be washed, but it is important to follow care instructions to maintain their condition and non-slip properties. Below are general guidelines for washing slipper socks:

Check the label: always read the washing instructions on the label before washing your slipper socks. Most of our winter slipper socks can be gently machine washed.

Machine Wash: Gentle washing in cold water is usually recommended to prevent shrinkage or damage. Use a mild detergent and avoid bleach or fabric softeners.

Hand wash: For slipper socks that need to be hand washed, fill a basin with cold water and add a small amount of neutral detergent. Gently stir the socks in the water, then allow them to soak for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly with water.

Drying: When drying, gently squeeze out excess water and do not twist or wring the socks as this can damage the shape and non-slip grip of the socks. Lay the socks flat on a clean towel to dry. Avoid using a tumble dryer unless the care label specifically states that it is safe to dry, as high temperatures can damage the material and non-slip soles of the socks.

What Materials Are Slipper Socks Made From?

Slipper socks are typically made from a variety of materials designed to provide warmth, comfort, and durability. Common materials include:

Acrylic Fibers: Often used for their warmth and softness, acrylic fibers are a popular choice for slipper socks. They're lightweight and can mimic the feel of wool without the potential for itching.

Wool: Natural wool is an excellent insulator and is often used in slipper socks for its ability to keep feet warm while allowing them to breathe, reducing moisture.

Cotton: While not as warm as wool or acrylic, cotton is breathable and comfortable, making it a good choice for those who prefer natural fibers or live in milder climates.

Polyester and Microfiber: These synthetic materials are durable, soft, and moisture-wicking, keeping feet dry and comfortable.

Spandex or Elastane: Often blended with other materials, spandex provides stretch, ensuring the slipper socks fit snugly and retain their shape.

Fleece: Fleece is a common lining material for slipper socks, providing extra warmth and a soft feel against the skin.

Coral Fleece: This variant of fleece is exceptionally soft and plush, offering increased warmth and comfort.

Chenille: Known for its luxurious, velvety texture, chenille is sometimes used in slipper socks for a cozy, comfortable feel.

The warm slipper socks offered by us are made of acrylic fiber, polyester, polyester, and other materials.